Vienglaty Ketsattha, News Reporter and Presenter, Lao National Television, Vientiene. After almost two decades in television journalism, Vienglaty remains concerned about communities left behind and how to help to lift them out of poverty. She is also concerned about deforestation, threats to wildlife and endangered species, and the impact of natural disasters. She wants outsiders to know more about her country’s attractions, culture, music and dance.

Souksamai Boulom, Journalist, Vientiane Times. A journalist for six years, Souksamai covers business news and small and medium-sized enterprises and she is keen to find ways for her country’s SMEs to improve in terms of production and packaging in order to sell more at home and abroad. While in Singapore she wants to learn how SMEs manage their production, R&D, packaging and promotion to expand. Her interests are reading, cooking and gardening.

Patithin Phetmeuangphuan is a reporter with the Vientiane Times in Vientiane. Patithin grew up in a rural farming community and never dreamed he would become a journalist one day. He has a keen interest in education and literacy issues. While in Singapore, he hopes to find out about the education system and ways to keep students motivated.

Bounfaeng Phaymanivong. Journalist, Vientiane Times, Vientiane. Bounfaeng is a business reporter who wants to find out how his country can do more to attract visitors and expand jobs in tourism. He hopes to gain lessons and insights by speaking to tourism industry experts, observers and travellers in Singapore.