Khulan Jugder, Editor-in-Chief, UB.Life and Gereg Magazine. Eight years in journalism, Khulan works in online journalism. Given her country’s youthful population, she says the challenge for journalists is to find the balance between entertaining, informing and engaging young people in ways they will respond to. Her interests are music, photography, films, tennis and swimming. For her AJF research project, she wants to look at Singapore’s e-governance efforts.

Enkhtsetseg Boldbaatar is an editor at Mongolian Economy Magazine, a bilingual business magazine, and has tracked Mongolia’s economic boom, decline and comeback. For her AJF research project Tsetse wants to understand state wealth and asset management in Singapore to draw possible lessons for her country. Tsetse enjoys travelling, reading, trekking and volleyball.

Bolor Zaankhuu is a producer and journalist with Eagle Broadcasting in Ulaanbaatar and the first Mongolian participant in the Asia Journalism Fellowship. She was editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine’s Mongolia edition before deciding to challenge herself with a switch to covering serious socio-economic issues as a TV journalist. While in Singapore she wants to find out how tripartism – which brings together government, employers and unions – can work for the economyl.