Dechen Dolkar, Senior Reporter, Kuensel, Thimphu. Dechen writes for Bhutan’s national newspaper, covering the impact of government policies on communities, corruption in local politics and social injustice. She remains excited by journalism, which she regards as a catalyst for positive change, and has won awards for her work.

Sumitra Pradhan, Senior Producer & Presenter, Yiga Radio, Thimphu. Sumitra is a radio journalist who feels there are hard issues that do not get discussed enough in Bhutan. She uses her weekly talk show to bring attention to the mental health struggles of young people and issues facing Bhutanese women, hoping to make a difference. Her interests are reading, travelling and exploring new places.

Chencho Dema, Senior Reporter, Business Bhutan, Thimphu. Chencho writes on politics, the environment, women and children. She was inspired to become a journalist by watching TV and seeing women presenters at work. She is especially proud of her reports on family abandonment and a teenage rape victim. Her interests are travelling, reading and movies.
Chencho writes on politics, the environment, women and children. She was inspired to become a journalist by watching TV and seeing women presenters at work. She is especially proud of her reports on family abandonment and a teenage rape victim. Her interests are travelling, reading and movies.

Tshering Palden, Chief Reporter, Kuensel. Tshering has been a journalist for more than 11 years, rising from reporter to chief reporter at Bhutan’s national bilingual newspaper Kuensel. These are worrying times as five Bhutanese newspapers have shut down in the past five years, and government advertising revenue – the major source of newspaper revenue – is shrinking. During AJF, he wants to research multimedia storytelling as a possible way forward for traditional media. His interests are photography, videography and football.
Chencho Wangdi. Deputy Editor of the Dzongkha-language edition of Kuensel, a national newspaper. Responsible for developing a team of Dzongkha reporters who can produce their own stories instead of simply translating from the English edition. Wants to study the role of news in democracy.
Sonam Zangmo. News Editor at Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corpn (Bhutanese), Thimphu. Plans to research the future of public service media.