Sana Jamil, Digital Editor English News, Interlink Multi Media. Sana manages three teams of journalists across three digital platforms while developing and implementing editorial and social digital strategies. She has advanced through male-dominated newsrooms in Pakistan and still encounters challenges as a senior woman in the profession. Her experiences have only made her more determined to set high standards and continue striving for excellence.

Shazia Mehboob, Freelancer, Rawalpindi
Shazia has made her mark and won awards over the past decade investigating and writing about difficult issues, from the failure of Pakistan’s laws to protect victims of domestic violence to discrimination against women with disabilities and women in politics. She is a founding member of the Digital Media Alliance of Pakistan (DigiMap), a group of digital journalists doing public interest journalism.

Sadia Mazhar, Correspondent, Daily Parliament Times, Islamabad. A journalist for six years, Sadia sees women in Pakistan as an under-developed resource, a group that is capable of making an impact in business but sorely lacking in encouragement and resources to get started and take off. She wants to make a difference in highlighting ways to assist potential entrepreneurs. Her AJF project is focused on ways Singapore helps women entrepreneurs to thrive. Her interests are reading, writing, socialising and exploring..

Sana Jamal is a writer and assistant editor with Tele-Visual Infolink, an affiliate of the Pakistan Press Agency offering news and analyses. She has covered social and environmental issues, winning awards along the way. She wants to research Singapore’s efforts in managing and growing its water resources and hopes to draw lessons for Pakistan and other countries facing a shortage of water or access to it. Sana likes photography, reading, and watching movies and documentaries.

Moniza Inam. Senior Sub-Editor and Coordinator, Daily Dawn, Karachi. As a writer and editor Moniza has focused on tough issues concerning human rights, distributive justice and women’s equality. She wants to examine the issue of women and jobs, given their relatively low participation in Pakistan’s workforce. She hopes to draw insights from the experience of women in Singapore.

Freeha Sultan. Freelancer with major English dailies, The Nation and The News. Stepped into advocacy and communication work on issues such as violence on women, breast cancer awareness and provision of social security to South Asian labourers. Project: How media especially social media can be effectively used for community development.

Rizwana Naqvi. Editor, the Review, Dawn, Karachi. Writes on social, health and gender issues, and edits the Review section. Topic: Climate change and gender.
Raza Ali. News Editor of Ibrat Daily (Sindhi), Sindh province. Starting a new magazine for his company. Also a lawyer involved in human rights work. Wants to study the role of journalism in democratic society.
Syed Murtaza Razvi. Magazines editor at Dawn Media Group (English), Karachi. Plans to research role of print media in Pakistan.